One part of my research deals with 2 electrons- 3 centers coordinations modes. Isolate thois kind of coordination mode is a snapshot during the oxidative addition or reductive-elimination processes occuring during the catalytic reaction with transition metals. This coordination modes might found with many H-E (E =H, Si, Ge,..) ligands. We are interest in the full characterisation of this coordination modes and their role in stabilisation of complexes or in catalytic reaction mechanisms

Sigma H2 coordination

Silazane coordination

Germoxane coordination

Sigma H2 complexes are the archetype of 2 electrons-3 centers complexes they ar involved in catalytic reactions such as catalytic hydrogenation and in catalytic labeling reaction (H/D exchange).

Disilazane and silazane ligands have been studied. Bis sigma coordination have been charetrized and unsual coordination modes involving hydrogen shared by 2 or 3 silicon atoms. The different coordination modes have been charaterized by neutron diffraction and by solid state NMR.

We are able to extend the  sigma. H-H and Si-H coordination modes to sigma Ge-H coordination. The effort is focus on the charaterisation and the description of the Ge-H activation level.